The Villages: Planning draft Part [TWO]

The story starts a long time after an incident.

It’s said there are thirteen blocks in Druscilla’s Villages. But-

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14.

For reasons unknown there is no thirteenth.

I haven’t decided the main story but I have slept on some ideas for a while now.

This story will be about the life of orphans, and friendships between them. I’d like to add some horror but its hard finding bloodstains cc and bloody clothing online. It’s easy to find bloody makeup though and injury poses.

I’ve been looking for related poses when I stumbled across this modder, God bless her.

Sadly I can’t afford much, much less the 3.50 she’s asking as a pledge. But she deserves it.

Give SimsBerrry Animation some love! Some of her content is free so check it out.

I’d really love to make my own machinima some day but I think right now I’m better off on focusing with comics/ pictures, my pc isn’t up to par right now but it will be someday I gurantee.

NAMES FOR CHARACTERS/ Me brainistorming on the spot

Zoeira– (meaning: noise/unwanted noise/ joke or prank?) The name randomly came to mind but when I looked it up. Ahhhh here’s some definitions. Copy, paste, abracadabra!

  1. noise (various sounds, usually unwanted)
  2. (colloquialmockery; the act of mocking
  3. (colloquial) a playful lie told with the intent of quickly revealing the truth afterwards

I had a redhead in mind, particularly this picture of the power puff girls re-imagined.

Although an orphan she was popular once maybe, she tried to fit in until it backfired? Maybe she was a bully. Well not a bully but a mean girl, if tested you’d get a black eye…

Maybe a close friend got bullied and took her life? No, let’s make it a sister, maybe she got news that her sister who was separated from her got bullied at her new school and took her life? Maybe her adoptive parents dropped off some of her sister’s belongings. Yes.

Her younger sister wrote a will, all the money, she was given as an allowance, worked for, she bought her sister some clothes and accessories too. She felt guilty being the only one that was adopted.

Among the items was her sister’s diary- the parents probably dumped it on her because it was too hard to keep, and Zoeira learns that her sister was bullied. She was a gentle and naive kid who never adapted to the orphanage’s environment so Zoeira was thankful she got taken away from it all but… seeing how sister felt made her begin to emphathize with those she victimized.

Maybe she got bullied next when she tried to defy the system? Yes, I can see it now her orphanage was for tough little girls that smiled at your face but bitched and bullied when the adults weren’t looking.

Of course there’s fire in her so she didn’t let herself get bullied, no she fought back, raised some hell and eventually got sent away to MMHM. She’s determined to move on and live as her sister wanted her to but she regrets how someone she loved was placed in the shoes of someone she tormented…?

I wonder… me writing all this here takes away from the story when you finally read it doesn’t it? Mmm whatevs.

Amy Claire – Zoeira’s new roommate, she seems personally acquainted with Ms. Cherry, Zoeira’s favorite counselor/adult person.

Ms. Cherry– her name is Cher Applace, but she prefers the name Zoeira coined Ms. Cherry. The supervisor of block fourteen, she’s a counselor, her job is to check up on girls and council them about their future, but also make sure they follow the rules.


Zoeira’s victim or “Zoe’s bottom bitch” as the others so often referred to her as. The nature of their relationship was being a bread shuttle. Zoeira would send her out on errands, humiliate by making fun of her appearance and pranks, but she wasn’t anywhere near as violent as the other girls so she stuck to Zoeira.

Until suddenly Zoeira changed her tune, the moment she left she was at the mercy of the other girls. Suddenly she had a bright idea, why not do the same thing as Zoeira? If she started a big enough fight the orphanage would send her away.

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